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Lightning Process Client - OCD

Julie and The lightning process have changed my life. I now have the tools to overcome any obstacle, which is amazing.


I wasn’t in a good place, I was feeling low, plagued by self doubt, obsessive thinking and was being very critical and hard on myself. I also had low self esteem which was impacting my relationships. 


I now feel in control of my life and have been able to start living again and actually enjoy my life. I also now have energy and love to exercise which is a big change. 


I am able to be present, enjoy life to the full with confidence and now see things in colour. I have improved relationships with family and friends too which I never imagined possible. I feel like this has been the best thing I have ever done for myself and can’t recommend it enough. 


Julie has always been so encouraging, patient and kind. She has taught me so many invaluable things and I am forever grateful to her! 


Thank you Julie.


Lightning Process Client - Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Four hours felt like an hour as the training was so complete and engaging. Julie is a good listener and personalised her responses so that the training felt bespoke.

I liked the visuals which along with the conversation made it come across clearly.

The Lightning Process is so multi-layered and uses all the senses together with movement so that it takes up the whole body and the mind. I was not distracted, but completely consumed while doing the process. The process itself is straight forward and logical.

A lot of the things I learned were new or they articulated things well that I already knew.

Sometimes in life I could locate the problem but had no tools to do anything about it. Having the LP as a tool will be so different.

You are not your body and symptoms but you can observe them and influence them, was the most important point I have taken from the training.

I realised that I was in fight and fawn mode the whole time and I can improve so much in my life by changing that with The Lightning Process.

Lightning Process Client - Long Covid

I found The Lightning Process challenged my old beliefs and the way that I thought about things before.  it was very enlightening as to future possibilities.

I have an unexpected amount of energy and positivity and I walked on the beach for two hours after day two.

I feel positive that I can impact change and really start to flourish.

Lightning Process Client - Anxiety

Having originally taken the lightning process 17 years ago for ME I was excited to be taking it again to deal with my chronic stress and anxiety.


I have to admit, even though I’ve healed fully 

From ME using the lightning process I was still sceptical that I could heal my very deep very long running patterns that have affected my life significantly for decades.


By the end of the third day I was feeling an incredible level of calm and confidence, confidence that I could indeed change my beliefs change the wiring of my brain and truly enjoy my life again.


Attached to my anxiety and stress patterns have been a whole host of health issues that I’ve been affecting me for a long time – I know that those health issues are part of the patterns my brains been running and already feel those health issues lifting


Julie as a practitioner is absolutely outstanding and utterly brilliant.

She has an incredible level of experience, empathy, caring and skill, and is able to adapt the lightning process to exactly how it will work the very best for you.


I felt like she deeply understood me and how I could change my brain to get back the joy and fun, calm, happiness and excitement that’s been missing for quite some time


I feel like I’ve got a bombproof tool kit now, and I know that using it every day will rewire my brain so that being  calm confident and happy will just be an automatic program for me

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